Thursday, February 23, 2006

New Favourite Cards

Edward Monkton's cards have been a firm favourite of mine for quite some time, but today I discovered the Santoro Stickmen Cards, which I now think are even better! The picture of my favourite one can be seen to the left... Really made me chuckle.

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Oooh the Irony

Last night as I left the Sussex Arts Club and got closer to the exit I noticed a bright yellow sign on the door, I could almost read it, when I suddenly fell down a step. I looked up from the floor to see that the sign said 'mind the step'.


Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Things Getting Better...

Since last week's rant on moaning things have vastly improved.

1. The moaning has stopped - replaced by pleasantness - woo hoo! Hope it lasts…
2. I feel happier generally because the moaning around me has stopped.
3. I have started writing again - I actually believe I can finish what I have started for once - yay! And I don't mind the work I will have to put into it…
4. Have heard from one of my best friend's - Sass - about the fun she's having in Poland and the hard work! Do miss you Sass!

I'm going to do some writing tonight and then treat myself to some battlestar galatica! Must do a lot of writing over the weekend though. I will damn it!