Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Hello Again!

Apologies for the lack of posting lately.

I have been doing the very wintry thing of staying at home watching films and TV shows, when I have gone out its mainly to go shopping or to the cinema. Dieting has been taking up a lot of my mental energy - I part of me can't wait for the dieting to be over with, equally though I am very much enjoying buying new clothes and my new found speed in the squash court.

Next Saturday I am off to Malta again and I can't wait to see my parents (and the beast/kitten) and hopefully being able to spend some time writing and maybe even practising using the runes I got for my birthday (sorry Kira).

I am feeling very positive about 2007 - even treated myself to a very expensive and plush diary from Paperchase (THE BEST STATIONERY SHOP IN THE WORLD! YES I LOVE IT) so that I can make all sorts of exciting plans!

At the moment I'm most looking forward to January 18th - as Garfield has to submit the first draft of his PhD thesis then - hopefully afterwards I can have my boyfriend back! I am also planning to offer my tarot and palmistry skills professionally through tarot parties, I am thinking that just to start a well placed advert outside infinity foods will be good and as my lovely friend Jodie mentioned the other day - offering a free reading to the party organiser would hopefully make me a popular choice… Anyway I will certainly see how it goes!

Going back to staying in and watching films and television…

I have recently been to the cinema to see The Prestige and Pan's Labyrinth.

The Prestige was one the of the most exciting films in ages - the build up and conflict between two characters was amazing, especially as each magician became more convinced of the other's ability to do 'real' magic. Very cool - I may try and watch this in the cinema again if I can.

Pan's Labyrinth was also great - very sweet and touching and so, so sad too. Won't say too much but I want a Mandrake Root baby…

I also got to watch the original Wicker Man last week, which I had never seen before and very much enjoyed it - I can't really understand now why there had to be a remake with Nicholas Cage of all people? I can just see now that he'll probably ruin it and break out of the wicker man at the end with a machine gun or grenade...

As Lost and Battle Star Galactica have decided to do the irritating American thing of stopping mid season, I managed to get my addictive TV fixes through watching Numb3rs and Heroes. I am especially liking Heroes, although I worry where the story is going - very interesting concept though and I particularly adore the character Hiro - he's soooo sweet!

Ooh well I guess I better be off, there is dieting to be done and stuff to be watched...

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