Saturday, June 17, 2006

Cocktails and Spiders...

Thursday was a stressful day at work - so I was glad that my friend Sass decided that we should go out for drinks and dinner. A jug of Sangria, Polish cocktails and another jug of cocktail later we decided that we were too drunk and should get some coffee... ...After going in to Cafe Rouge we realised that it wasn't really the best atmosphere to sober up in as we were talking a little too loudly and it was somewhat quiet. After two cappuccinos and a dessert we could no longer stand the stuffy cafe so headed out to get some 'fresh air'. A walk by the sea didn't help - although it was cool and sunny.

I was quite grateful when I finally got home to just lie on my bed. But I spotted a very active spider. I hate spiders, its not their fault - they are not evil - but my brain feels otherwise. Unfortunately for the spider my housemate who normally deals with spiders was not around - so I got the hoover. Yes the hoover - whenever there is a spider crisis in the house and no one to get rid of the things - I hoover them up. And so this was my plan - however trying to direct the hoover when drunk is inadvisable. Thankfully another housemate intervened and hoovered the spider for me.

Friday was hell... Hangovers and examboard preparation don't go well.

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