Thursday, December 14, 2006

As if by Magic

Recently I started to face up to the fact that I need a new job.

Some plans that I had hoped would come to fruition, never materialised, so I was left with no plan - which I hate not to have. So I got thinking...

What I would really like to do is spend a couple of years working hard with a decent paying job and then:

a) Do the sensible thing and buy a home


b) Do some studying, I would very much like to do an MA in some kind of English related discipline. I also would love to learn astrology and how to make clothes too. Maybe then I could return to the decent paying work and then buy a home?

I mentioned to Garfield that getting a decent paying job was hard because I lack two particular skills - budgeting and timetabling - neither of which I want to do. So basically I want administrative management job with no budgeting or timetabling. Which don't exist.

Or so I thought, an administrative management job with no budgeting or timetabling just appeared.

I have applied.

I really hope I get invited to an interview. Although I am little scared to as I will need to do a presentation if I do get an interview.

You gotta try though.

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