Monday, October 24, 2005

Meet the Boyfriend Party

Over the weekend I went Worthing to spend some time with my friends Jo and Sass. We were all hoping to see a midget psychic, but unfortunately she was having a day off :-( anyway we are now hoping to see her on Halloween which will be interesting!

And I was very much looking forward to giving Jo her present from Cadburys World which I got her in August. Sadly our Joey was suffering with gallbladder problems but now its been removed she is able to enjoy the chocolate again! I given loads of people chocolate as a present over the years but watching Jo open the box and being delighted at the smell of the chocolate was quite wonderful.

In the evening we went to Portsmouth to our friend George's house were she was holding a party so that her friends could meet her new boyfriend. Really it should have been curry party as the amount of curry that was available was unbelievable! Anyway the curry was great George's new man is lovely and best of all it was highly entertaining to watch George continually nearly fall over in her heels due a little too much booze (it used to be me who always fell down).

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