Saturday, December 17, 2005

Far too Excitable

I am very excited at the moment...

Lots of stuff is going to happening over the next week or so and I am so EXCITED about it all.

This evening I am taking Garfield to see Fantasmagoria by Vodoo Vaudville at the Komedia - he wasn't supposed to know what we were doing but he guessed... Anyway very much looking forward to seeing it as neither of us has ever been to the Komedia before.

I now only have three work days left and then I am off until the 4th of January! And after my last day on wednesday I am going to watch the Burning of the Clocks on the beach... Last year's was amazing and the first time I had ever been - I want to go every year now! After the fireworks myself and Garfield will hopefully be going to see King Kong and making the most of the orange wednesday offer.

And then best of all on Thursday I am flying off to Malta. I am sooooo looking forward to catching up with my parents - I haven't seen them since the end of August and it feels far too long to have not have visited them. I am also looking forward to the warmer weather!


Anonymous said...

You didn't mention that you're coming to mine for croissants tomorrow!

King Kong... Saw it last night - beautiful film but three hours is a long time for a remake of a 90 minute flick.

Anonymous said...

AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW sorry James - looking forward to those croissants :-)