Friday, January 05, 2007

Happy New Year


Happy New Year!

Had a very relaxed Christmas, only marred by occasional moments of hyperventilation and panicking about my job interview next wednesday. Santa was kind enough to drag me around various shops in Malta to buy lots of new clothes. Sadly however I also discovered, that one shop I visited, called Promod - has an english on-line shop, this could be very bad because I want to buy all of their clothes... Anyway I have now made the resolve not to buy any more new clothes because if I am going to carry on losing weight, they'll soon no longer fit me and once again I'll live in fear of exposing myself ;-)

Maybe I'm getting old but I can't really remember much about the start of 2006, but the summer of it was horrible, too hot and I thought I was going loopy from time to time thanks to some horrid medicine I stopped taking. And from September onwards its just been the GI Diet and a lot of joy from discovering that I can actually shrink. Plus I no longer care that everyone might know how much I weigh - I have lost all shame about that one and now I feel real pride in my achievements so far. Unexpectedly it also has taught me that I don't need to keep a smiley face all the time, that it is quite okay to let people know you are human and hurt too.

I hope 2007 is going to be a good year for me - I certainly don't feel that I need to make any resolutions as I have already been slowly working on fixing all that need to be put right...

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