Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Will Have to Wait Until I am Rich :-(

Yesterday lunch time it was just too hot to go out. So rather than getting fresh air - I settled for sandwitches and the web... As work is often filled with foreign teenagers shouting, breaking the lift etc at the moment, this article very much caught my eye on the Guardian website.

And now I soooo wanna go to the Witchery!!! And stay in the Library suite - its got a secret bathroom - how cool is that!!!!! But at £295 a night its gonna have to wait until I have loads of cash...

(I figure that I'll need at least a grand for 2 nights there, travel to Edinburgh, one meal in the Witchery (the menu looks lush!) and you know pennies to fritter away....)

Well a girl can dream... And bizarrely thinking about Edinburgh and looking at the site actually makes me feel cold because my head thinks Scotland = Cold.

Anyway thats enough over-heated induced rambling for one night.

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